Uğur Bozkaya Araştırma Grubu
Cover Art
Coupled-Cluster (CC)
Water Clusters
Cation-Pi Interactions
Parlar Vakfı
New Paper: The images of our last article published in the magazine Tetrahedron Letters have been selected as the cover page of the magazine!

The images of our last article in June, 2017, published in the Tetrahedron Letters magazine, were selected as the cover of the magazine.

You can access from the publications section of our page or from the link below.


Ramazan Koçak, Dilan Yıldız, Uğur Bozkaya, Arif Daştan, Özgür Altan Bozdemir , "Dihydropyridazine-appended dibenzosuberenones as a new class of fluorophores: Application to fluoride sensing". Tett. lett., 2017 Volume 58, Issue 30, 2981-2985. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2017.06.059