Thesis Title: Assessment of the orbital-optimized moller plesset and coupled-electron pair theories for thermochemistry and kinetics.
Time with Group: 2012-2015
Current Position: PhD student, Atatürk University Department of Chemistry.
Thesis Title: Investigation of band gaps and oscillator strengths of semiconducting polymers with quantum mechanical techniques.
Time with Group: 2018-2020
Current Position: -
Thesis Title: Localized pair natural orbitals for coupled-cluster methods.
Time with Group: 2020-2022
Current Position: -
Thesis Title: Implementation of efficient coupled-cluster methods and their chemical applications.
Time with Group: 2017-2023
Current Position: Hacettepe University Department of Chemistry (Assist. Prof. Dr.)
Dr. Selçuk EŞSİZ
Research Area: Investigation of organic reaction mechanisms with ab initio methods.
Time with Group: 2018-2019
Current Position: Ass. Prof., Hakkari University Department of Chemical Engineering.
Research Area: Investigation of organic reaction mechanisms with ab initio methods.
Time with Group: 2019-2020
Current Position: Ass. Prof., Kafkas University Department of Chemistry.
Dr. Abdurrahman ATALAY
Research Area: Investigation of organic reaction mechanisms with ab initio methods.
Time with Group: 2019-2023
Current Position: -
2247-C STAR Programme (Undergraduate Students)