Uğur Bozkaya Araştırma Grubu
Cover Art
Coupled-Cluster (CC)
Water Clusters
Cation-Pi Interactions
Parlar Vakfı


1. "Development of Local Natural Orbitals Based Cluster-in-Molecule and Divide-Expand-Consolidate Approaches for High-Level Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Methods", COST (122Z871), 2023.


2.  "Development of Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theory Methods with Cluster-in-molecule Approximation: CPU and GPU Parallel Programming and Application to Dye Sensitized Photo-Electrochemical Solar Cell", COST (120Z743), 2020.


3. "Development of High Accuracy Ab Initio Molecular Dynamic Simulation Methods Based on High-Level Coupled-Cluster Methods and Their Applications to Simulations of Large-Scale Molecular Ionic Clusters", European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST (119Z948), 2020.


4. "Density-Fitted Coupled-Cluster Methods with Local Correlation Methods and Energy Based Fragmentation Approaches: Coupled-Cluster Theory Meets Macromolecules", TÜBİTAK-2247-B (119C023), 2020. 



5. Development and Efficient Programming of the Equation-of-Motion Approach for Coupled-Cluster and Perturbation Theory Methods with Density-Fitting and Frozen Natural Orbitals Techniques and Their Applications to Challenging Chemical Systems”, TÜBİTAK 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects (118Z916), 2019.


6. Formulation and Efficient Parallel Programming of The Second-Order Quasidegenerate Perturbation Theory with Modern Integral Tensor Decomposition Methods, and Its Applications to Multireference Molecular Systems”, TÜBİTAK 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects (116Z506), 2017.



7. Derivation and Efficient Parallel Programming of Analytic Energy Gradients for Density-Fitted Coupled-Cluster Methods, and Their Applications to Weak Interactions”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST (114Z786), 2015.


8. Developments of Orbital-Optimized Second- and Third-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theories with Density-Fitting and Cholesky Decomposition Approaches and Their Large-Scale Efficient Parallel Programming: Applications to Non-Covalent Interactions”, TÜBİTAK 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects (113Z203), 2013.



1. “Development and Efficient Programming of Analytic Energy Gradients for Coupled-Cluster Doubles with Modern Tensor Decomposition Methods, and Their Applications to Open-Shell Chemical Systems” Approved by Hacettepe University Scientific Research Project Council, 2016.


2. “Accurate Computation of Formation Enthalpies for Transition Metal Complexes with High-Level Ab Initio Methods” Approved by Hacettepe University Scientific Research Project Council, 2016. 


3. “Investigation of Orbital Relaxation Effects for Electronic Structures and Thermochemical Properties of Transition Metal Compounds”, Approved by Ataturk University Scientific Research Project Council, 2015.


4. “Development of the Density-Fitted Orbital-Optimized Coupled-Electron Pair Theory and Its Large-Scale Efficient Parallel Programming: Applications to Intermolecular Interactions”, Approved by Ataturk University Scientific Research Project Council, 2013.


5. “Applications of Orbital-Optimized Second-Order Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theory and Its Spin-Component Scaled Variants to Intermolecular Interactions”, Approved by Ataturk University Scientific Research Project Council, 2012.