Uğur Bozkaya Araştırma Grubu
Cover Art
Coupled-Cluster (CC)
Water Clusters
Cation-Pi Interactions
Parlar Vakfı
New Paper: Our work about "Computations of Vertical Ionization Potentials with the Extended Koopmans’ Theorem" were published as the cover art in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A !

New Paper: Our work about "Computations of Vertical Ionization Potentials with the Extended Koopmans’ Theorem" were published as the cover art in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A !

You can access from the publications section of this page or from the link below.

Bozkaya, U., Ünal, A., "State-of-the-Art Computations of Vertical Ionization Potentials with the Extended Koopmans’ Theorem Integrated with the CCSD(T) Method". J. Phys. Chem. A, 2018, 122, 4375−4380. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b01851